ALTEO neutralized carbon footprint by planting trees

ALTEO launched a carbon footprint neutralization initiative at the end of last year which has been completed by now. This spring a total of 28 fruit trees were planted by the company in the gardens of various educational institutions with the purpose to neutralize the amount of carbon dioxide emitted at the company’s Christmas event. 


ALTEO decided last year to neutralize the carbon footprint of the company’s Christmas event by planting as many trees as necessary to absorb the emitted carbon dioxide. Data showed that the company’s total footprint was 3,18 tonnes with a significant proportion – 65 % – of food and drinks consumed, followed by 32% of CO2 emission from travels. The on-site energy consumption can be accounted for only 2% of the total carbon footprint and the organization for 1%. According to the calculations – carried out by GreenDependent Association – 3.18 tonnes of carbon dioxide could be neutralized by planting a total of 28 native fruit trees.

The trees will be able to absorb the emitted carbon dioxide in about 20 years. The plantations took place in the spring of 2019 with the assistance of the Hungarian Foundation for School Gardens.

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