Climate Week Paris 2015








Responding to the United Nations Secretary General’s invitation to take a more active role against climate change, business networks have joined forces to convene CEOs from around the world at the Business & Climate Summit on 20/21 May in Paris. The Business & Climate Summit will be the central event of a Paris Climate Week, which will include:

– On May 19, the second gathering of the Road-to-Paris partners: WBCSD, IEA, SDSN and IDDRI, with a high-level session the following morning;

– On May 20, the event “Mind the gap, mind the science” jointly organised by CDP, WWF, WRI, and UN-GC;

– On May 20 and 21, the BUSINESS & CLIMATE SUMMIT at Unesco Headquaters, Paris, organised by EpE, Global Compact France, WBCSD, ICC, and IIGCC, along with many other partners;

– On May 22, Climate Finance Day will follow and complement the Business & Climate Summit. Organised by Paris Europlace with main sponsors Caisse des Dépôts and EIB. These four events, and probabbly more, offer a unique opportunity for CEOs to meet their peers, stakeholders, and government representatives.

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