New BCSDH-member: Bureau Veritas Magyarország Kft.

The most important activities of Bureau Veritas Magyarország Kft., founded in 1992 – as a member of the Bureau Veritas Group of Companies – are certification and conformity control according to international standards, directives and legislation; technical consulting and related trainings. In addition, they are available to their customers with quantitative and quality control of products and crops, as well as with accredited laboratory tests if required. With their sustainability services and solutions, they help their customers achieve their sustainability goals.

In order to transition to a carbon-neutral economy, their goals include, among other things, using at least “A” energy category office buildings, the continuous replacement of their entire vehicle fleet with hybrid and then fully electric cars by 2028. With the development of digitalization, they intend to reduce the personal trips required for work and the use of paper for work.

It is essential for them to keep human rights, values and diversity in mind and to support it in all areas of operation and during all their activities. The provisions to be followed in this regard are contained in their Code of Ethics. The TQR and Legal&Compliance office operate as separate areas within their global organizational structure. Annual trainings are held for all employees to maintain responsible and ethical operations. They also operate a “Whistleblowing” system, where anyone can anonymously report to the global L&C office if they notice any activity that raises ethical concerns. In 2019, Bureau Veritas Hungary won the Business Ethics Award in the multinational company category.

As a member of the BCSDH, their goal is to provide more and more space for sustainability in the course of their operations and to be able to support others in their efforts in this direction.