New BCSDH-member: Meijer & Co Kft.

The company, founded in 2020, offers a wide range of HR services, such as recruitment, executive search, niche sourcing and workforce strategies, as well as consultancy and “green strategies” solutions. All their activities are deeply influenced by their main guiding principle, sustainability. Their goal is to shape the world of talent and recruitment together with their clients in the new green economy. As they put it: “We want our grandchildren to see snow; therefore, we must “Make the world greener through the power of people and organizations”. By “transforming organizations to becoming net-zero where humanity and nature flourish while respecting, abiding and promoting the 3ple bottom-line approach of People-Planet-Profit””. Our purpose is to “Create intrinsic, sustainable ESG changes for our clients by driving its potential”. We do this by “Mobilizing our client’s internal talent through collaboration and searching for external talent to create tangible change”.

They are also committed to sustainability in their own operations. As a micro company, they mainly have personal emissions due to their service offering and operating framework. They strive to minimize these by, for example, using shared offices, cycling to work and to the clients, limiting printing on paper, and supporting remote work and flexible working conditions.

They foster a diverse, inclusive, and supportive work environment where every individual is respected, valued, and given equal opportunities to thrive.

This year, they want to be certified as a “B Corporation” so that they can be among the companies that answer the question of how business can be instruments of positive social change.

This September, they will prepare their first report on green talent.

They joined BCSDH in order to become members of a community of like-minded people and businesses.