ALTEO is among the top 5 clients on HRPOWER HR Toplist

ALTEO’s “Energy is in you, come work for us!” In 2023, it took home a gold award in the “storytelling and film” category at the HRKOMM Awards, and a bronze award in the “employer branding” category at the Prizma Creative PR Awards.

Thanks to these outstanding results, ALTEO was included in the HRPOWER HR Top 5 list of the most outstanding clients, which was launched for the first time this year. The HR Toplist aims to provide a year-round overview of the performance of companies and their agencies in 2023. This is calculated by taking into account employer-related campaigns, communication activities, positive activities targeting existing employees and their families, as well as their direct and indirect environment.

Thanks in part to the winning campaigns, ALTEO’s team grew by 17.5 percent from 2022 to 2023. This recognition is therefore not only a testimony to ALTEO’s success, but also to the dynamism and communication efficiency of the Hungarian energy sector.