CSR lecture to international students

Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Shared Values were the topics on international master lecture held to Budapest Business School students.

Despite COVID-19 Budapest Business School students could learn about CSR in the frameworks of Business Diplomacy lecture with the help of online tools on 5th November. On the 1,5 hours lesson they get a glimpse of: Tungsram group, it’s locations, number of employees, market area and the 124 years

culture of “Doing good” in Zsuzsanna Thierry’s (Tungsram CSR Leader) presentation. According to the feedbacks students were well informed as Mr. Rajmund Kiss their lecturer said: “The presentation was very informative and helped our students to understand the concept of CSR in business practice. Tungsram is indeed a great example of how to be a successful company with great passion for our society.”

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