The value of sustainability – digital service ecosystems in the lives of citizens and businesses

National Mobile Payment Plc. participated in the event “The Values of Sustainability”, where we sought answers to questions related to corporate sustainability and competitiveness together with Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (HPE) as the organiser and other participants of the conference.

For example, the Digital Service Ecosystem, a set of digital services supporting domestic competitiveness, developed in cooperation between public and market actors linked to service value chains, with its key elements of digital identification and digital payment, ensures easy access to services for a wide range of users. Full article available at:

The last period has been intense, both in terms of the legislative and regulatory environment and related professional activities, with a strong focus on sustainability – just think of the new ESG law or the many initiatives related to this issue.

We have taken a new approach to summarise all the ways in which the reporting required by the changed regulation can be translated into concrete business benefits: identify new revenue streams when assessing business risks, increase operational efficiency, stimulate innovation, reduce negative externalities, reduce exposure in resource procurement This opportunity brings a new challenge, the whole reporting process needs to be based on a corporate strategy that can well assess business processes and directions and identify key indicators. The question is: can we make use of it? Click on the link below to read our food for thought:

Finally, we are delighted to inform our readers that our Company, National Mobile Payment Plc., has published the updated edition of its Sustainability Report 2023, thus confirming our previously underlined ambition to make innovation, digitalisation and sustainability the pillars of our strategy. Our aim is to provide easy-to-use, accessible and environmentally friendly services for a wide range of citizens, which are a major driver of the digital economy development in our country.

We are particularly proud of the collaboration that went into the preparation of the Report – with the sole contribution of our colleagues: the process of its preparation has already added significant value: we have assessed our operations, deepened cooperation between our partner departments, and even outlined new, innovative directions and opportunities for the Company! Our related reflections, objectives and Report are available at the link below: