Shell: We change to make a difference

Shell has a long-standing commitment to contribute to sustainable development. Sustainability is essential to the way we do the business in every country where Shell operates. Sustainability at Shell means providing more and cleaner energy solutions in a responsible way – in a way that balances short- and long-term interests, and that integrates economic, environmental and social considerations.

Our approach to sustainability starts with running a safe, efficient, responsible and profitable business. Our ambition is an integral part of our Powering Progress strategy to accelerate the transition of our business to net-zero emissions, in step with society, purposefully and profitably by 2050. It is designed to create value for our shareholders, our customers and wider society.

Becoming a net-zero emissions energy business means, that we are reducing emissions not only from the fuels and other energy products we sell, but from our operations as well. We are taking a number of measures to operate Shell’s filling stations in Hungary in a sustainable and responsible way and to reduce our carbon footprints.

We strive to reduce waste at our service stations, so we don’t use single-use plastic and we package our Shell own-branded sandwiches in recyclable materials. In addition, we have designated cooking oil collection points for our customers in various parts of the country.

Many of our charging stations are powered by electricity from renewable energy sources. To reduce our environmental footprint, we have increased the efficiency of our cooling and heating systems, replaced our indoor conventional light bulbs with LED lights, switched to lower-consumption, sealable refrigerators, and use recycled water for car washing at certain stations.

In addition to the measures at our stations, we are working hard to achieve the energy transition across Shell’s other businesses. You can find out more about our Powering Progress strategy at