SPAR leads the way in closing the gender pay gap

The company does not differentiate between employee salary packages based on gender. It is leading by example; disclosing salary information by gender for the most common employee roles, to meet their previous commitments.

SPAR Hungary is joining Amnesty International Hungary’s equal pay campaign and calls on other members of the Hungarian business community, especially those in the small business sector to follow their lead.  The civil rights organisation’s #EgyLépésselKözelebb (#OneStepCloser) campaign aims to achieve transparency over the salaries of both genders to help close the pay gap. The purpose of the campaign is to encourage as many companies as possible to take steps to close the gender pay gap by making their salary information publicly available on International Women’s Day this year.

“The power of the SPAR community and the business achievements would not have been possible without our female colleagues. One of the two managing directors, and 12 of the 25 members of the management team are female. The ratio of women to men working at our headquarters is 60:40, 82:18 in supermarkets, and 48:52 in the food production department which is typically more physically demanding work. In the logistics department, the ratio is 18:82. With these numbers in mind, what is more important is that salaries are not determined based on gender. Male cashiers make 0.4% less than their female colleagues, while there is zero difference in pay between men and women working in specialised shop assistant roles. This year we decided to join Amnesty International’s fight for equal pay for women. On International Women’s Day this year we are fulfilling the commitment we made in 2020 and are leading by example to reach workplace gender equality,” said Márk Maczelka, head of communications at SPAR.

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