Our new member company: Mazars Ltd.

Mazars is an international, integrated and independent organisation providing audit, accounting, tax, financial, legal and business advisory services to its clients. Mazars is present in more than 95 countries worldwide. Mazars has been present in Hungary since 1991 and is one of the leading Hungarian audit and consulting firms. With 190 highly skilled and dedicated professionals, Mazars provides a full range of services to clients in all sectors. Mazars is globally committed to sustainability, and naturally takes sustainability to heart in its domestic office, with goals of commitment and continuous improvement in all three areas of ESG.

To this end, it has taken several steps in recent years. As a service provider, one of their key assets and resources is their employee community, and the S and G areas are also a priority for them. They place great emphasis on regular communication with employees and listening to their views. They have a number of programs on diversity and human values, such as the Work-Private-Life-Mazars program, talent management, comprehensive professional and soft skills training program, reintegration of new mothers, health care programs, etc. Each member company reports annually to the parent company about the implemented programs, as well as the composition of employees, diversity, the position of women, and the average earnings of men and women. The Code of Conduct, which all Mazars employees are obliged to know and comply with, sets out their beliefs on human rights and fundamental human values and diversity.

To achieve net-zero operations as an environmentally responsible company, the Group will introduce carbon footprint and GHG emissions measurement (under the GHG Protocol): this is already in place in more than 80 countries, which together represent 95% of Mazars’ total headcount and emissions.

Mazars has joined the SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiated) initiative and is developing a country-level decarbonisation program. They are consciously reducing business travel, opening up to sustainable and environmentally neutral solutions in procurement, and have established a supplier code of ethics, which will be followed by a sustainability rating of their suppliers. To increase biodiversity and restore the natural environment, they run subsidiary-level programmes involving their employees.

A sustainability report has been prepared at Mazars Group since 2019. In 2024, Mazars Ltd. has committed to produce and publish a sustainability report locally for the financial year 2022/23. The Hungarian office was awarded EcoVadis Silver certification in September 2023.  For a green future, they will continue to make the necessary efforts to operate in a sustainable way.

Mazars has joined BCSDH because it believe it is important to have the sustainability competencies to help its clients achieve conscious and sustainable operations, reporting and future development, and to apply them in their own operations. Mazars’s employees consider it is important to train themselves continuously, learn from others and share the knowledge they have acquired. They aim to be active, valued and useful members of this community.