With entrepreneurs for sustainability – Community of Sustainability Entrepreneurs (FVK)
It was brought to life by current challenges, and we, Mielemed MPM colleagues and NUXON brand employees, founded the sustainability working group with our responsible partners at the Budapest and Pest County Regional Organization of the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers.
The founders are a community of conscious entrepreneurs who support each other’s development and success and are dedicated to responsible and ethical business life. In this emerging and growing topic, we can become successful and effective leaders of change if we continuously develop ourselves and support each other.
By belonging to a well-known and recognized community, Community of Sustainability Enterpreneurs wishes to provide inspiration and access to up-to-date knowledge, opportunities to build relationships, and tools and methods to develop practical and entrepreneurial skills. Transferring essential information, sharing knowledge, motivating common thinking and responsible actions, raising awareness of the impact of our actions on society, the environment, and the economy along the entire value chain is in the interest of all of us. We have to show that the community has power and that we don’t leave anyone behind!
Like the global challenges and the domestic situation, we are constantly changing and we try to help as effectively as possible to create common and reliable values with the help of regularly organized excellent professional forums, round table discussions, knowledge-sharing evenings, worthwhile conferences, community actions, education, training, and education.
Our goal is to continuously strengthen ourselves, each other and the profession to which we belong, with the active initiative and participation of our members, as a self-organizing and open community, recognizing the professional and practical efforts made for sustainability. We want to create a solid foundation for the initiation of as many positive changes as possible and work together to achieve sustainable development goals. Our first joint event with COLLAB Mentoring was an SDGs Game, which playfully educated us along the UN’s sustainability goals.