Ecology and economy, two sides of the same coin – Bertrand Piccard at the BCSDH exclusive Business Breakfast

30 business executives engaged in a conversation with Bertrand Piccard on November 2 at the MagNet Community House. Piccard is best known for being the first person to circumnavigate the Earth in a plane he built, powered solely by solar energy.

Currently leading the Solar Impulse Foundation, he is working to identify and promote 1540 solutions that profitably protect the environment. By supporting what he considers “logical” and “ecological” clean technologies and efficient solutions, he aims to draw attention to the opportunities in the fight against climate change for decision-makers worldwide, encouraging them to adopt more ambitious environmental and energy production policies.

At the exclusive event, Piccard emphasized, “We won’t get anywhere if we try to protect the environment while endangering people’s comfort, mobility, and economic development.”

He identifies the already mentioned 1540 profitable solutions in various areas such as water, energy, construction, mobility, industry, and agriculture. He highlights both the economic profitability and technological credibility of these solutions, with the goal of drawing the attention of political and economic decision-makers and accelerating the transition to a more efficient economy.

Business leaders also play a significant role in accelerating the transition and systemic changes. Piccard encourages others to focus on solutions instead of problems, challenging conventional assumptions and demonstrating how climate protection and adaptation open up new industry markets and opportunities for economic development.

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