Let’s change the perspective! – HBLF 2022 Women’s Day Campaign – with support of BCSDH

On behalf of the board of HBLF we invite the CEOs of the businesses in Hungary to join the special HBLF International Women’s Day initiative for 2022. We plan to demonstrate alliance and call for action to raise awareness about the topic of female representation in leadership.



Today, only 8% of the top 50 companies (with the highest turnover) in Hungary have female CEOs. In line with the HBLF’s mission, we believe that by working together, we will be stronger and have a greater impact on the necessary changes and give women the opportunity in leadership. Participants are invited to a F2F, outdoor event with 100 CEOs on the 4th March between 7am and 10 am.


To shift things around we need to change perspective. We create an interactive installation that shows number 8, but by joint efforts it turns into an infinite sign. The transformation happens when enough participants make a special gesture. That’s why it’s so important to have as many leaders as possible to support the initiative with personal participation. Together, we can show that women also have endless opportunities.

We also invite the CEOs to share their commitment and with this input they can join this initiative, even if they are not available on the 4th March event. The campaign is planned to be displayed online and offline, as well as on social media, with the support of our media partners. The participating CEOs and their commitment is available on HBLF’s website. Hungarian Business Leaders Forum – HBLF Nőnapi kampány

We kindly ask participants to contribute to the cost of the campaign by paying a registration fee. Details are in the registration form.

With our partnership package (attached), we provide valuable opportunity & space for partner organization to appear in the campaign. Please let us know, if you are interested in this.

Please e-mail the photo and company logo to HBLF Secretariat. Eniko Csík is available in case of questions. hblf@hblf.hu Tel: +36305944876

Many thanks for joining this campaign and supporting the cause!

Best regards,


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