The Alumni Board has been formed

The Alumni Board of the “Future leaders” talent program was formed with the leadership of Sarolta Katona, Sustainability Manager of Budapest Airport, on November 5, at the virtual inaugural meeting. Together with this year’s graduates, the Alumni organization now has graduates from seven rounds of the program, and a total of more than 200 members. BCSDH considers it important to enrich the work of the group with the mindset and thoughts of next-generation leaders and that the positions of all graduates of the program are represented.

The aim of the board is to provide value-creating company leaders and future leaders the opportunity for sharing knowledge,  further professional development and networking in the spirit of BCSDH. It is also responsible for developing the strategy of the Alumni, representing the members more effectively, developing professional and informal programs and communicating with them. During the discussion, board members reviewed their experiences in previous alumni organisations, discussed opportunities to engage the membership, and discussed their operational framework.

Members of the Alumni:

  • Sarolta Katona, president, BUDAirport
  • Márton Bohn, 2020, Shell
  • Máté Bori, 2019, LeasePlan
  • Attila Baranyai, 2018, Nokia
  • Krisztina Lengyel, 2017, Uniliever
  • Kornél Kovács, 2016, Novum Commodities
  • Nóra Szauder, 2015, Coca-Cola
  • Andrea Nagy, 2014, BGE

Congratulations to the Alumni Board!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact them.

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