“Transparency, Disclosure Practices and Integrity of Hungarian State Owned Enterprises”


Transparency International Hungary requests the pleasure of Your company at the presentation of its publication “Transparency, Disclosure Practices and Integrity of Hungarian State Owned Enterprises”.


8:30 -9:00        Registration

9:00-9:05          Greetings by József Péter Martin, executive director of Transparency International Hungary

9:05 -9:20         Corporate Governance Guidelines at EU level – Elemér Terták, Principal Adviser to the DG Internal Market and Services, European Commission

9:20 -9:35         Integrity at Eximbank – Steps to Creating a Transparent Operation – Roland Nátrán, CEO of Eximbank Ltd.

9:35 -10:00       Presentation of research findings and the publication “Transparency, Disclosure Practices and Integrity of Hungarian State Owned Enterprises”

10:00-10:15      Q&A

10:15-10:30      Coffee Break

The presentations will be held in Hungarian.  The event is open to the press.  Participation at the event is free of charge.


Date: Thursday, 24 April 2014, 8:30-10:30 am

Venue:  NH Budapest City Hotel

Budapest, XIII. Vígszínház u.3.

R. S. V. P. by 21 April, 2014

Please send email to

or call +36 70 409 7277


The event is supported by a grant from the Open Society Foundations, Think Tank Fund.

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