Although the majority of BCSDH member companies are looking forward to the launch of the CSRD regulation, there are still many questions about the exact details.The main objective of our ESG working group meeting on 27 September 2023 was therefore to get to know these details.

On behalf of the host, Budapest Stock Exchange Plc, Gábor Péter Nagy, Director of the Sales, Marketing and Issuer Acquisitions Directorate, welcomed the nearly 35 professionals who attended the event in person and the 10 who followed the meeting online. In his introductory presentation, he described the wide range of areas in which the Budapest Stock Exchange incorporates ESG aspects into its corporate operations.

Mrs Zsófia Galambosné Dudás, BCSDH’s Project Manager, briefly presented the most important recent developments in the CSRD regulation. This was followed by a round table discussion, during which experts from BCSDH member companies tried to provide a deeper insight into the details of the regulation.

The discussion also covered topics such as the definition of stakeholders, the structure and scope of the ESRS metrics system, changes in the context of double materiality, the link between CSRD and EU Taxonomy, SME preparedness and reporting obligations of subsidiaries.

We would also like to thank the experts from our member companies for their contribution and sharing of experience:
Ágnes Deme (KPMG), Attila Jenei (Denkstatt), Gréta Nagy (Dandelion), Péter Gábor Nagy (BSE), Anita Sávoly-Hatta (PwC), Nóra Stancsics (IFUA), Réka Szücs (Deloitte), Ákos Veisz (BDO).

At the end of the event, Zsófia Galambosné Dudás presented the organisation’s upcoming events and the latest BCSDH materials.

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