Our members

BCSDH is proud of convening more than 140 forward-thinking companies committed to advance the sustainability agenda. Sustainable business lies at the heart of sustainable development.

Collaboration across companies and sectors is the only option to build a safe and resilient world where sustainable and transparent companies are more successful, prosperity is shared and poverty is history.

With their signature, our members accept the seven principles of the Recommendation for business leaders: A complex interpretation of corporate sustainability and undertake to incorporate them into their corporate operations.

Our philosophy of membership

Our members believe that by integrating social and environmental impacts with financial results, businesses will lower their risk profile, make better decisions.

As business adapts to an unprecedented rate of global change, BCSDH membership gives businesses the value, impact and voice to navigate this change and prosper by transforming themselves and the world.

WBCSD is inclusive – we don’t judge a company by its legacy. If a company is serious about improving sustainability in their business practices and will contribute to collaboration on sustainability across sectors and countries worldwide, then they are a welcome member of our network.

Our members

Membership by sectors

Become a member

The intention to join is approved by the Board of the BCSDH. By signing the declaration of entry, the participating company accepts the support of our mission and vision and joins our Recommendation (Recommendation for business leaders: The Complex Interpretation of Corporate Sustainability), expressing that they agree with the principles, wish to lead by example as well as manage their companies accordingly.

Member news