Race to Zero – towards net zero economy

BCSDH is supporting the business sector to focus on immediate action. The transition to climate-neutral operations and climate adaptation – for any company in any industry – is an important task, and a factor that significantly influences the competitiveness of the business sector. BCSDH helps companies to make concrete commitments and to find related business solutions.

Our aim is to support the leading domestic companies from several industries demonstrating their good examples and commitments, thereby encouraging domestic companies to make similar ambitious commitments towards a carbon-neutral economy.

NET ZERO Advisory Board

On January 18, 2021 the Net Zero Advisory Board has been formed in a uniquely wide collaboration with renowned experts, the primary goal of which is to promote and accelerate the process by which the Hungarian economy can become carbon neutral by 2050, thus taking an important step to stop climate change.

The Advisory Board is a cross-sectoral collaboration, consisting of representatives of Hungarian industry and business leaders, government and associations, was set up as the initiative of the British Embassy and the  Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary (BCSDH).

Members of the board

Zsombor Barta

Zsombor Barta

Parlamentary Senior Counselor, NFFT (NCSD) – National Council for Sustainable Development
Zsolt Bertalan

Zsolt Bertalan

President, Okos Jövő Innovációs Klaszter
Attila Chikán Jr.

Attila Chikán Jr.

President, BCSDH - Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary
Paul Fox

Paul Fox

British Ambassador
 Anikó Juhász

Anikó Juhász

Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture
András Kárpáti

András Kárpáti

President, Future Mobility Association
Csaba Kandrács Dr.

Csaba Kandrács Dr.

Deputy Governor, National Bank of Hungary
Marcell Kovács

Marcell Kovács

MLBKT - Hungarian Logistics, Supply and Stockholding Company, CEO, MASPED
Csaba Kőrösi

Csaba Kőrösi

Former President, UN General Assembly
Attila Steiner

Attila Steiner

State Secretary for Energy and Climate Policy, Ministry of Energy
Diána Ürge-Vorsatz, Prof. Dr.

Diána Ürge-Vorsatz, Prof. Dr.

Vice-Chair, IPCC - UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Szarvas Gábor

Szarvas Gábor

President, HUGBC – Hungarian Green Building Council


Race to Zero Working Group

Event exclusively for members of the BCSDH Race to Zero Working Group To participate in the event, pre-registration is required from the Working Group members, the registration link is included in the invitation to the event.To join the…

Race to Zero on the Spot

Event exclusively for members of the BCSDH Race to Zero Working Group To participate in the event, pre-registration is required from the Working Group members, the registration link is included in the invitation to the event.To join the…

Race to Zero Working Group

Event exclusively for members of the BCSDH Race to Zero Working Group To participate in the event, pre-registration is required from the Working Group members, the registration link is included in the invitation to the event.To join the…

Race to Zero on the Spot

Event exclusively for members of the BCSDH Race to Zero Working Group To participate in the event, pre-registration is required from the Working Group members, the registration link is included in the invitation to the event.To join the…


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