Meijer &Co introduces Growing Paper, the sustainable marketing solution for companies

Everyone has one of those drawers or a small table at home where flyers, advertising leaflets, and business cards end up after an event. They either end up in the cupboard forever or are thrown away at a later date without attracting too much attention. This, of course, is a great waste of paper.

We still have trouble getting rid of printed materials such as flyers and business cards; a QR code gets lost, and what was that person’s name at that networking event with that digital business card again?

With Growing Paper, your message will grow and flourish: sustainable, surprising and outstanding.

Originally, a Dutch brand, Growingpaper is now spreading rapidly across Europe. It meets companies’ needs for sustainable and responsible printing material. The paper, which visibly contains seeds, is a real conversation starter. With Growingpaper, you can not only impress with your message but also have a lasting impact on the environment. It helps promote biodiversity and reduce paper waste. The material is made of 100% recycled paper, no new trees have to die for it. We leave the production of the paper to professionals. We don’t buy just any growing paper, but carefully consider which producers match us and our values.

Whether you are looking for unique invitations, eye-catching business cards, or eco-friendly promotional materials, Growingpaper offers a sustainable and memorable solution for all your paper needs. Its versatility ensures that it can cater to a wide range of requirements.

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