Graphisoft Park SE – Natural Office Park
“We believe that humans are part of nature and feel at home where they have a direct connection with it. The Park was conceived in this spirit, and to this day, we continue to develop it in collaboration with our tenants. We are building modern offices, a diverse natural environment, and a cohesive community. We believe that sustainability goes beyond green technologies and is about creating a world where we can all thrive – a world that recognizes the dignity and value of every human being.”
János Kocsány/CEO/Graphisoft Park SE
The executive summary of the business solution – with the original, unchanged text
The executive summary of the business solution:
The development of Graphisoft Park is a brownfield investment that began in 1996 on the abandoned grounds of the Óbuda Gas Factory. Our goal was to ensure that after the revitalization of the area, the emerging office buildings would be set in a genuine green environment, and the area could be reintegrated into the urban fabric. To achieve this, we carefully planned the landscaping steps and the expected outcomes through landscape design. We aimed for the trees to be taller than the buildings and for the majority of the area to be covered by native vegetation. We began establishing biodiversity as part of the very first developments, and the natural environment has continued to flourish alongside the buildings. Today, the intended results have been achieved, and anyone visiting Graphisoft Park can hardly imagine that just 25 years ago, industrial ruins stood where the current oasis is.
In the park’s planning, we took into account that since people will work in the park daily, the natural environment is just as important as the quality of the buildings. We opened the park to the residents of the capital city from the very first opening.
Only 25% of the area is built up, while the green area covers over 60%, and approximately 2,500 m2 of green roofs have been created.
Impact: Graphisoft Park, as a green and biodiverse office park in Budapest, represents a unique quality.