Another major forest planting commitment by MagNet Bank

MagNet Bank has committed to planting an additional 10,000 saplings in 2022 to enhance its impact on carbon neutralization and forest planting.
The second phase of the Bank’s commitment – made in the spring of 2019 – was successfully completed in November 2021. According to the 1 customer = 1 tree commitment, it has pledged to plant 40,000 trees in two phases between 2019 and 2021, in line with the volume of its total customer base.  The 40,000 saplings were planted in the Pusztai Tölgyesek forest area in Nagykőrös and in the Ócsai Landscape Protection Area of the Duna – Ipoly National Park, with the help of the Erdőmentők (Forest Rescue) Foundation.  At the end of the first two-year phase, the Foundation certified the initiative’s measurable positive impact on carbon neutralisation. The Bank hopes that more and more players in the banking sector will commit to planting not only trees on behalf of their new customers, but the planting volume will be based on their current customer base.

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