Kiterjesztett vezetés esemény – június 16

A Holland kamarával és a Joint Venture Szövetséggel közösen szervezett üzleti esményünk a mesterséges intelligencia korszakáról és abban a vállalatok szerepéről. Az AI mélyen és gyorsan átalakítja a vállalkozásokat, az iparágakat és a gazdaságot. Hogyan fog az Ön vállalata boldogulni?

In 2022, the question for the C-Suite is not whether they should use AI to compete successfully – but how to do AI well. Top executives seek an AI-augmented enterprise strategy and results that are bulletproof with clear ROI and futureproof by being built responsibly.

The AI Age is Now. How will you thrive? AI is deeply and speedily transforming enterprises, industries and the economy. According to the majority of the C-suite, AI is now mainstream, representing a fundamental shift. The accelerating impact of the pandemic is clear. AI adoption is at a turning point: most companies have already engaged AI in at least one strategic business function.

At the same time, AI is the first-ever moral technology that needs us to become better humans to be able to control it. The human factor should be the starting point in embracing AI technologies at any corporation. With human-centric, Responsible AI adoption strategies companies can build long-term capabilities and avoid the moral obstacles manifesting in talent, revenue and reputation risks.

Augmented Leadership successfully combines the best of digital with the best of humans – and all for the right purpose.

It is our pleasure to invite you to our upcoming business event on this timely topic with two great speakers. By joining the 100+ C level executives you will not only have the opportunity to gain insights into the latest trends of Augmented Leadership but also to enjoy a unique networking opportunity.
17:30 – 18:00: Arrival, registration
18:00 – 18:10: Opening remarks by Tamas Sellyey, Vice Chairman of Dutcham
18:10 – 18:25: Presentation by Dr. George A. Tilesch
18:25 – 18:40: Presentation by Eszter Debreczeni
18:40 – 19:30: Stage interview with George and Eszter moderated by Kriszta Bombera
19:30 – 19:45: Q&A
19:45 – 21:30: Networking reception with drinks&bites at the rooftop bar
Thursday, 16 June2022
17:30 pm – 21:30 pm

Location: Crown Plaza Hotel (WesEnd City Center, Váci út 1-3., 1062 Budapest)
The language of the event will be English with no translation.

Participation fee:
Dutcham/BCSDH/JVSZ Members: HUF 9,900 + VAT
Non-members: HUF 14,900 + VAT

Or register via e-mail to
We accept registrations on a „first come – first served” basis up to 100 guests.
Registrations and cancellations are accepted till 18:00 on 10 June 2022 by sending an e-mail to 

Please note that photos are taken at our events and by participating you consent to those taken of you to be published on the Dutcham/BCSDH/JVSZ communication surfaces

Building genuine connections for a more successful business
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