The need exists to transform our systems and ourselves.” – participants of ‘Future Leaders’ Talent Program 2023 received their certificates.

At the BCSDH business lunch on October 12, graduates of the ‘Future Leaders’ Talent Program for the year 2023 received their certificates. Alongside this year’s 35 participants, the Hungarian Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSDH) has seen over 300 young leaders graduate from the program’s previous 10 years.

“Our ‘Future Leaders’ Talent Program, celebrating its 10-year anniversary, has evolved significantly over time. Initially focused on recognizing and understanding issues, we now emphasize immediate action. I’m immensely proud that among our participants, numbering over three hundred, many have become business owners, CEOs, or board members. I trust that our graduates will become catalysts for change. – shared Márta Irén, Director of BCSDH.

The participants of the tenth edition, much like in previous years, come from various fields within the member companies of BCSDH.

Throughout the program, participants learn not only from recognized experts but also from practicing leaders about ethics, strategy, and sustainability within a diverse group. They also get acquainted with the mentor companies. Each year, over eighty mentors, including business leaders, experts from civil society and academia, support the participants in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities in the business sphere from multiple perspectives.

Since this program deals with the future and leadership, it will always remain relevant. The more complex the world becomes, the more exciting it is to see how future challenges can be tackled with present tools. It stays relevant because it constantly evolves. The project work related to biodiversity this year brought forth several solutions that hold the potential for new practices applicable to our member companies.” – stated Zita Szederkényi, the Lead of Program.

In recent days, the BCSDH has been exploring each point of the “Sustainable Corporate Management Guidelines” delving into their theoretical backgrounds and corporate practices (Strategic Approach, Responsible Corporate Governance, Respect for Core Values, Environmental Responsibility, Partnership with Stakeholders, Ethical and Transparent Operations, and, for the past three years, the introduction of Sustainable Products, Services, and Innovation). The 35 graduates of the 2023 edition received their certificates at the BCSDH business lunch on October 12. Together with this year’s graduates, the program now encompasses 10 editions and over 300 young leaders, forming the ‘Future Leaders’ Talent Program Alumni organization.