The international conference entitled ‘Business that Changes the World’ is the highlight of the year-long celebration of the 15th anniversary of CSR partnership in Poland, conceived and initiated by the Responsible Business Forum (to read more about our organisation, please follow the link to the English version of our website: http://odpowiedzialnybiznes.pl/english/). This two-day event will take place on 20–21 October 2015 in the Praha cinema in Warsaw (see map). Invited participants include representatives of companies from Poland and Central and Eastern Europe, NGOs, public administration from Poland and other countries.
To register for the event, please go to: odpowiedzialnybiznes.pl/konferencja2015/en/
Participation is free of charge. Registration is mandatory.
The first day will follow a classic conference format. As a special guest of the conference, we invited Prof. Guy Standing from the University of London, who coined the term ‘precariat’ and wrote a book entitled ‘The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class’. During two discussion panels specialists and practitioners will try to look at the development of CSR over the years. The first panel will be a round table for CEOs from various companies who will consider the benefits of CSR to business and the society to date. This will be followed by an expert panel, attended, among others, by Prof. Guy Standing and Prof. Jerzy Hausner (Deputy Prime Minister in 2003–2005, a government minister in 2001–2005, an economist, a lecturer at the Cracow University of Economics). The discussion will aim to provide critical reflection on CSR. The panels will be followed by a presentation of the most recent results of the ‘CSR Managers’ survey in Poland and similar research results for Central Europe. The studies were conducted in collaboration between the Responsible Business Forum, PBS (a research services provider) and Deloitte.
The second day is divided into three parallel sessions. The first one will be organised by the Responsible Business Forum, the second one by Ashoka Polska, whereas the third one will include film screenings. The guests of the session organised by the Responsible Business Forum will include inspiring speakers from the business community, organisations or NGOs who will talk about responsible business and sustainable development. This will provide conference participants with a starting point for an exchange of opinions.
Participation in the conference is free of charge. Participants are required to complete an online registration form available at http://odpowiedzialnybiznes.pl/konferencja2015/en/. The number of attendees is limited.
The first 20 participants from other countries who submit their online registrations will be entitled to a free walk around Warsaw with an English-speaking guide. The tour will take place in the afternoon of Day 1. We are looking forward to your registrations! |

Preliminary conference programme
‘Business that Changes the World’*
DAY 1 (20 October, Tuesday), 9:30–5:00
10:00–10:30 Greeting speeches (RBF, Partners, administration representatives)
10:30–10:50 Keynote Speech
Professor Guy Standing, University of London
10:50–11:50 What has CSR given to business and society – Presidents of Boards round table
Confirmed participants:
- Marcelo Catalá, president of board, CEMEX;
- Janusz Gołębiowski, president of board, Henkel;
- Feliks Szyszkowiak, member of board, Bank Zachodni WBK;
- Michał Kobosko, journalist
11:50–12:10 Coffee Break
12:10–1:10 Expert Panel – Critical Reflection on CSR
Guests include:
- Prof. Guy Standing, University of London
- Prof. Jerzy Hausner – a Polish politician and economist,
- Kathryn Dovey – Tax Policy Analyst at OECD,
- Stefan Crets, executive director CSR Europe,
- Prof. Elżbieta Ziemacka-Mączyńska, president of board, Polish Economic Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Ekonomiczne),
- Sławomir Sierakowski, president of board and editor in chief, Political Critique (Krytyka Polityczna),
- Kamil Wyszkowski, general director, Global Impact Poland;
- Przemysław Pohrybieniuk, managing director, ACCA
1:10–1:40 Presentation of Jubilee Partners achievements in CSR
1:40–2:00 Coffee Break
2:00–3:05 Comparison of the conditions and factors determining the concept of CSR in Central and Eastern Europe
Research results presented by: Mirella Panek-Owsiańska, President of the Responsible Business Forum
Research results: CSR Managers – Poland
Research results: CSR Managers – CEE Deloitte
The ‘CSR Managers’ study is intended to provide a picture of Polish CSR managers and their view on corporate social responsibility in the contexts of various actions taken. The presentation will cover a similar study conducted in countries of Central Europe
3:05–3:20 Conference summary
3:20 Late lunch
Conference moderator:
- Michał Kobosko, journalist
DAY 2 (21 October, Wednesday) 9:00–1:00
Parallel sessions:
Session 1: Responsible Business Forum
Confirmed participants:
- Jean Pierre Gattuso, CNRS and University of Paris, scientific co-ordinator of the European Free Ocean Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Experiment, expert at the ‘Oceans 2015 Initiative’, invited by BGŻ BNP Paribas;
- Kamila Sidor, co-founder of Geek Girl Carrots in Poland;
- Łukasz Kaliciński, founder of NotJustShop, a clothing label from Cracow, based on the social business concept since the very beginning;
- Kamil Baj, founder of Pszczelarium, an organisation which monitors apiaries in cities to promote the idea of sustainable development in cities;
- Bartek Stodulski, founder of LaboratoriumEE, a Polish company designing innovative web solutions;
- prof. dr hab Andrzej Markowski, University of Warsaw;
- Łukasz Jadaś, expert on Internet and social media studies, Institute of Media Monitoring (Poland);
Session 2: Ashoka Polska
Debates and meetings with social entrepreneurs and business people in the context of innovative social solutions.
Session 3: CSR in Films
* The programme will be updated and its most recent updates will be available from the organiser’s website: odpowiedzialnybiznes.pl.
The conference language will be Polish but organisers provide simultaneous interpreting into English. Free vegetarian meals and refreshments will be available for the participants during the event.
International conference ‘Business that Changes the World’ support:
Organiser: Responsible Business Forum in Poland
Conference Partners: CEMEX Polska, Henkel, Totalizator Sportowy
Supporting Partners: Institute of Media Monitoring (Poland)
The 15th anniversary of the CSR Partnership is the most important CSR jubilee in Poland in 2015. The aim of the celebration is to sum up the achievements and developments during the 15 years of CSR work which were enabled by co‑operation between many people, companies and institutions. The celebration of the 15th anniversary of the CSR Partnership has been initiated and organised by the Responsible Business Forum. The accompanying motto is: ‘Business that changes the world. People that change business’.
Main Partners: Bank Zachodni WBK, Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN
Partner: Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo
Responsible Business Forum in Poland is the largest non-governmental organisation in Poland, and an NGO with the longest history of operation in the country (15 years). It approaches the idea of corporate social responsibility in a multifaceted way. The Forum is a think-and-do-tank, which promotes a responsible approach to business in a way which takes account of the environmental and social impacts. we inspire business that changes the world and provide a meeting place for people who change business. We promote sustainable development. To find more about us, please visit www.odpowiedzialnybiznes.pl/english/.