The twelfth edition of the BCSDH ’Future Leaders’ Program 2025 started with the Opening Event at K&H Bank on 23 January. Participants were welcomed by Levente Suba, K&H Group Head of Sustainability, who briefly presented K&H’s diverse and outstanding sustainability achievements.
Irén Márta, Managing Director of BCSDH, which now has more than 150 member companies, said that the aim of the program is to introduce the complex conceptual framework and practices of corporate sustainability to future leaders, the talented professionals who can become business leaders. She highlited that this is not just a program, but an inspiring, forward-thinking community that really has the potential to foster and implement the transition to sustainable business.
She emphasized the importance of our program being carbon-conscious for the third consecutive year, in collaboration with the Greendependent Institute.
Zita Szederkényi, Head of ’Future Leaders’ Program, presented the structure, venues and key information of the professional days for the participants. During the eight days, participants will learn about the theory and practice of sustainability through a variety of methods and exercises: factory and site visits, case studies, interviews with company managers and interactive exercises.
As an inspiration, two graduates of the program from last year, Ágnes Fülöp, Head of Life Insurance Contact Center at Generali, and Adrienn Anga, Senior Consultant at KPMG, shared their experiences about the value of the program. They emphasized that, in addition to developing a sustainable mindset, the greatest benefit of the program for them was the network of contacts they had built, and encouraged the new cohort to be open, inquisitive and sometimes critical, all of which will help them to take away as much as possible from the program.
After successfully completing the program, the participants will remain members of ’Future Leaders’ community: they will be welcomed by the Alumni community, said Máté Bori, Operations Director, Ayvens and Head of the Alumni organisation, which has nearly 350 members. He spoke about the Alumni events in 2024, which were also organised in the spirit of sustainability and provided an opportunity for discussions with company managers, networking and knowledge sharing.
As a closing program of the event, participants got to know each other, shared their connections to sustainability and the sustainability challenges they face in moderated table group discussions.
The 2025 program leaders came from the following companies:
Agroloop Hungary Kft., ALD Automotive Kft., ALTEO Nyrt., Bay Zoltán Alkalmazott Kutatási Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft., Budapest Airport Zrt, Budapesti Közművek Nonprofit Zrt., Continental Automotive Hungary Kft., E.ON Észak-dunántúli Áramhálózati Zrt., E.ON Hungária Zrt., Ernst & Young Könyvvizsgáló Kft., EY denkstatt Kft., Generali Biztosító Zrt., Gránit Pólus Management Zrt., Greenbors Consulting Kft., Güntner-Tata Hűtőtechnika Kft., Hungaropharma Zrt., KPMG Hungária Kft., LeasePlan Hungária Zrt., Nestlé Hungária Kft., Papyrus Hungária Zrt., PPD Hungária Kft., Progress Étteremhálózat Kft., Szentkirályi Magyarország Kft., Yamazaki Mazak Central Europe sro Magyarországi Fióktelepe.
Among the participants there is Máté Albert, a physics student at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, who won the BCSDH’s Scholarship Program.
Thanks to the host of the Openin Event:
Thanks to the sponsors of the ’Future Leaders’ Program in 2025:
Thanks to the highlighted sponsor of the Scolarship Program in 2025:
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